Question: “How do I protect my dog’s paws/pads when it is so cold outside?”
Answer: This is an excellent question. Just like us, dogs are also prone to frostbite when temperatures drop below freezing. There are some breeds better adapted to the cold than others, but proper monitoring is important regardless of the breed in question. Here are a few tips to help minimize injury to your furry friend and their paws this winter!
1. Paw booties. These can be applied to your dogs feet prior to leaving the house. They may require some training to get your dog used to the feel but ultimately seem to provide an adequate barrier for them. Though, be careful to not over-tighten, as this could cause the paw to become swollen by cutting off the circulation.

2. Paw “wax” or “balm”. There are a variety of brands out there, some may even be under the term “mushers wax”. It can be applied before and after an outdoor journey to help keep the paw moisturized.

3. Proper conditions. Try to stick to shoveled paths as much possible and avoid areas that have been heavily salted or have had other chemicals applied. If booties were not used, their feet should be cleaned after being out for a walk. Keep them inside as much as possible in the worst of weather, especially for the smaller or shorter coat breeds. Walks should be shorter to minimize their exposure.

4. Other coverings. Depending on the breed, coat length, and their distance from the ground :), some may benefit from a doggie coat or sweater. These can help keep them warm while also making a stylish statement!

It is important to note that frostbite is a real threat. If you notice that something seems different in the color of their paw pads, ears (especially the tips), or around their genitalia, this could be a sign of frostbite. If they are seemingly painful or irritated in these areas, they should be evaluated by your nearest veterinarian.
With proper precaution, you can decrease the chances of mishaps and keep your dog’s tail wagging for more winter fun!

(References can be made available upon request.)